Сколько стоит пицца в ЕС, и дорожает ли она?

За рубежом

According to the main statistical service, the average price of purchased pizza and quiche in the EU in December 2023 was 5.9% higher than in December 2022.

However, the report authors note that price growth rates for both dishes slowed down last year: in December 2021, they cost 15.9% more than in December 2022.

Pizza and quiche lovers experienced a significant price increase in Hungary (+13.4%), (+11.3%), and Latvia (+10.6%). Prices also increased slightly in Denmark (+0.6%) and Belgium (+1.0%).

However, in the Netherlands, customers were able to order these dishes at a slightly lower price, with a decrease of -0.9%.

Various factors, including the cost of ingredients, influence fluctuations in pizza prices.

For example, in March 2023, the average price of oils and fats — key ingredients in pizza, including olive oil — increased by 23% in the EU compared to March 2022, according to Eurostat.

The report compilers indicate that the combination of factors such as ingredient prices, location, competition, and consumer preferences plays a key role in determining the final price.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях