Первое судно с помощью для жителей Газы отправилось по новому гуманитарному коридору с Кипра

За рубежом

Судно с 200 кг продовольствия для мирных жителей сектора Газа утром во вторник отплыло из кипрского порта Ларнака, сообщает Politico. Это первый рейс в рамках работы нового гуманитарного коридора.

It is expected that the ship will reach the shores of Gaza in two days. A special floating module will be used for unloading, as there is no functioning port in the Palestinian region.

The mission to deliver humanitarian aid from Cyprus is being organized by the American charity organization World Central Kitchen with the support of their colleagues from Spanish Open Arms. Funding for the voyage has been largely provided by the UAE.

The Foreign Minister of Cyprus, Konstantinos Cambos, stated that he expects the humanitarian corridor connecting the island state and to operate permanently.

In late February, delegates warned of a high risk of hunger in the Gaza Strip amid Israel’s military operation against the terrorist group Hamas, which attacked border areas on October 7, killing over 1,200 people and taking more than 240 hostages. The Palestinian Ministry of Health, which is under the control of the militants, claims that more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed as a result of Israeli army retaliatory actions.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях