«Мемориал»: 71-летнему Орлову в СИЗО предложили отправиться на войну

За рубежом

Сопредседателю правозащитного центра «Мемориал» Олегу Орлову, недавно осуждённому к реальному сроку лишения свободы по статье о так называемой дискредитации армии за антивоенную публикацию, в московском СИЗО предложили подписать согласие на участие в так называемой специальной военной операции. Так российские власти называют войну в Украине.

According to «Memorial», on March 11, Orlov was transferred to Moscow’s SIZO-5 «Vodnik» detention center. There, like other detainees, he was offered to sign consent to participate in the war.

«Oleg Petrovich jokingly asked if his age, 71 this year, does not bother them. They replied that nothing bothers them.» — reports «Memorial», specifying that Orlov declined the offer.

The maximum age for serving in the army on contract for those below the rank of general is 65 years. It is unclear on what basis Orlov was offered to participate in the «SCWO».

There have been no comments from the FSIN regarding this situation. Previously, prisoners received pardons through presidential decrees, and recently the State Duma passed a law stating that they will be conditionally released in the event of recruitment. Earlier, a law was also enacted providing exemption from criminal liability in the event of signing a contract with the Ministry of Defense.

The case of Oleg Orlov’s repeated discreditation of the army was initiated in the spring of 2023. In the autumn, he was fined. However, the verdict was appealed by the prosecutor’s office, and the case was sent for reconsideration. On February 27, 2024, the court sentenced Orlov — one of the most well-known Russian human rights defenders and co-founder of the society «Memorial» — to 2.5 years in a general regime colony. He did not admit guilt and called the trial unjust, but delivered his final statement, once again strongly condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях