Армия Израиля нашла туннель ХАМАС под зданием агентства ООН в Газе

За рубежом

Israeli military personnel guided journalists through a 700-meter tunnel. It extends 20 meters underground. Directly beneath the building of the BAPOR headquarters are rooms where servers and other computer equipment were discovered. According to the military, this was a Hamas intelligence center. Underground operational facilities were also found beneath a nearby school, which is under the supervision of the UN agency.

The soldiers demonstrated electrical wires and fiber optic cables, some of which extended to the surface into the basement of the BAPOR building. Allegedly, this is where the tunnel received electricity. Weapons and ammunition belonging to Hamas were discovered inside the agency’s headquarters, presumably left behind after BAPOR’s employees evacuated the headquarters.

The head of BAPOR, Filippo Grandi, stated on social media that the agency was unaware of what was located beneath its building. He clarified that all office employees ceased working in the building on October 12th of last year and have not returned since, so BAPOR cannot comment on the discovery. «Media reports require an independent investigation, which is impossible to conduct in the midst of active combat operations,» Grandi added.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях