Литва прощается с погибшим в Украине добровольцем

Воевавший за Украину и погибший под Бахмутом 42-летний гражданин Литвы Тадас Тумас с позывным Великан (Milžinas) стал первым литовским воином сложившим свою голову за свободу Украины. 15 марта в Вильнсе проходит церемония прощания с Тумасом.

The Lithuania reminds us that it is possible to say goodbye to the deceased on Friday and Saturday in the funeral hall of St. Ignatius Church.

On March 16th at 11 am, a requiem service will be held at St. Ignatius Church. Tumas will be buried at Antakalnis Cemetery.

Tumas served in the 92nd Brigade. On February 23rd, a grenade was fired at the car that Tumas and his comrade were traveling in from a drone. Two soldiers were injured, but Tumas did not survive. His colleague survived.

Before going to fight in Ukraine, Tumas worked as a border guard, guarding the border with Belarus.

Before leaving, Tadas explained his decision to his wife: if Russia conquers Ukraine, the next target will be [Country].

Tumas was well-prepared, having trained for 6 years in volunteer forces. He arrived on the front lines in Ukraine in November 2023. After training at the shooting range, he went on missions in the surrounding area.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях