За две недели в Москве — 39 дел о нарушении правил митингов

Действия арестованных при возложении цветов в память об Алексее Навальном сочли «участием в несогласованной массовой акции», сообщают правозащитники.

Within two weeks after the death of the opposition politician on February 16, Moscow courts registered 39 administrative cases of violating the rules of conducting rallies and protests. This was reported on the evening of Sunday, March 10, by the Telegram channels «Human Rights» and «Judicial Sneakers» with reference to data from the official portal of the Moscow courts.

«8 of these cases are still pending, one was returned to the police, and resolutions have been issued for the rest, of which only 15 have been published — most of them are related to laying flowers at the Wall of Sorrow and the Solovetsky Stone,» the post says.

It is noted that at least three people were administratively detained on February 17 in connection with laying flowers in memory of Navalny. The actions of the arrested were considered «participation in an unauthorized mass event» with obstruction to pedestrian traffic.

Several more individuals were sentenced to mandatory labor or fines by the court, according to the publication.

Arrests at rallies in memory of Alexei Navalny

The death of one of the leaders of the Russian opposition in a colony in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug became known on February 16. He was buried at the Borisovskoye Cemetery in Moscow on March 1. According to the human rights project «OVD-Info,» dozens of arrests were made at rallies in memory of Navalny held in Russian cities.

People continued to bring flowers to Alexei Navalny’s grave in Moscow and to memorials for victims of political repression in the capital and other cities in Russia even after the day of the opposition politician’s funeral.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях