Военнослужащие сухопутных войск Литвы принимают участие в международных учениях в Польше

Военнослужащие Командного штаба сухопутных войск страны вместе с союзниками из 23 стран НАТО принимают участие в командно-штабных учениях Loyal Leda 2024 (LOLE 24) в Польше.

According to the Lithuanian Army, during the exercises, military personnel are honing their skills and evaluating the preparation of NATO land forces command staff for planning and conducting large-scale defensive operations.

«Before the start of the exercises, I can say that we are ready, but we want to become even better. By participating in these exercises, we want everyone to know that we are ready, together with our NATO allies, to defend our families and people from any threat,» said Lieutenant General Jürgen-Joachim von Sandrart, commander of the Northeast Multinational Corps NATO.

The LOLE 24 exercises are conducted in three stages. The first stage involves the preparation for the integration of units, during which over 800 exercise participants practice the process of making combat decisions, commanding and controlling, as well as interaction procedures.

During the second stage of the exercises, unit staffs practice defense planning and non-kinetic operations, interact with the civilian environment and neighboring units, coordinate actions with the higher headquarters, and develop operational and tactical plans using the combat information command and control system of the military communication.

The goal of the third stage of the exercises, using computer modeling system, is to test the operational ideas planned by the participating unit staffs.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях