В Литве заболеваемость гриппом, ОРВИ и COVID-19 снижается пятую неделю подряд

Национальный центр общественного здравоохранения (НЦОЗ) сообщает, что общая заболеваемость гриппом, острыми респираторными вирусными инфекциями (ОРВИ) и COVID-19 (коронавирус) в стране снижается пятую неделю подряд.

During the previous week (11-17 March), the overall incidence rate of influenza, acute respiratory infections (ARI), and COVID-19 in Lithuania was 1029.6 cases per 100,000 population.

The highest level of incidence was registered in the Vilnius county, while the lowest was recorded in the Utena county. According to the NCCP, the epidemic threshold of 1500 cases per 100,000 population was not reached in any municipality.

During the previous week, 30 individuals were hospitalized in Lithuania due to the flu, including 16 children (aged 0-17), 2 adults (18-64 years), and 12 individuals over the age of 65. Two individuals, one of whom was a child, received intensive care treatment.

Two flu-related deaths were registered during the previous week, one in Vilnius county and one in Kaunas county. The individuals were in the age groups of 70-79 and 60-69, respectively, and had underlying chronic conditions. None of them had received the seasonal flu vaccine. A total of 25 flu-related deaths have been registered this season.

According to the National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory, a total of 84 samples were collected from patients with ARI symptoms during the previous week. Out of these samples, 29 tested positive for influenza type A virus, 9 for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and 1 for influenza type B virus.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях