Тихановская обвинила Лукашенко в смерти литовца в беларусской тюрьме: для диктатора нет красных линий

В ответ на резонансную новость о смерти гражданина Литвы 1953 года рождения в белорусской тюрьме, белорусская оппозиционерка Светлана Тихановская обвинила в его смерти режим белорусского диктатора Александра Лукашенко, подчеркнув, что у него «нет красных линий».

«The Lukashenko regime has been torturing its citizens to death for many years, denying them medical assistance and preventing access to lawyers. The extension of such practices to foreign citizens was only a matter of time. (…) He is willing to kill and keep anyone in inhumane conditions for his own benefit. Violations of international law have long become a common occurrence for him,» said S. Tikhanovskaya in a press release on Wednesday.

She also emphasized the need to stop the cruel treatment of people in Belarusian prisons and hold all those involved in these atrocities accountable.

«I demand that detailed and accurate information about the circumstances of the arrest of the Lithuanian citizen and the conditions of his detention be provided to the Lithuanian government. I also demand that independent observers be allowed to visit the detention facilities in Gudija and assess whether they comply with international standards,» added the Belarusian opposition leader.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus handed a note to the temporary Chargé d’Affaires of Lithuania, expressing strong protest against the arrest of a Lithuanian citizen on the territory of Belarus last December and his death in prison, possibly without receiving necessary medical assistance.

«Lithuanian consular officials were not properly informed about the arrest of the Lithuanian citizen and the grounds for his arrest, nor were they provided with the opportunity to visit the detainee and offer necessary consular assistance. Belarus has grossly violated the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations with these actions,» stated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs now firmly demands to officially report to them the grounds for the arrest of the Lithuanian citizen, the state of the citizen at the time of arrest, and all circumstances related to this, as well as confirm the death of the mentioned citizen, specify the time and place of death, the circumstances and reasons.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях