Суд отказал матери Навального в иске к колонии, где он умер

Суд отказал матери умершего в колонии оппозиционера Алексея Навального в иске о ненадлежащей медицинской помощи её сыну. Об этом сообщил в четверг соратник Навального Иван Жданов.

According to a court decision in the city of Labytnangi, Lyudmila Navalnaya’s rights were not violated by the employees of the colony in Kharpe, where her husband Alexei Navalny died, and only the deceased himself could be the plaintiff in the case.

«Alexei filed multiple lawsuits regarding the lack of medical assistance in the colonies. The lawsuits were dismissed. Now that he has been killed, they are denying his relatives the right to sue and using disrespectful language,» wrote Zhdanov.

Alexei Navalny died on February 16 in a high-security colony in the Arctic village of Kharpe. Navalny’s associates believe that he was killed and accuse the president of Russia of his death. The Federal Penitentiary Service claimed that Navalny died of natural causes — he suddenly became ill, and resuscitation measures were unsuccessful. The exact cause of death is unknown. The details of the lawsuit filed by Navalny’s mother are also unknown.

Earlier, Navalny’s relatives filed a statement requesting a criminal case to be opened under the charge of desecration of a deceased body, in connection with the fact that Navalny’s body was not promptly handed over to his mother, in violation of the law. Eventually, it was given to her, and the politician was buried in Moscow on March 1. The fate of the statement is currently unknown.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях