Столичный вокзальный район атакуют крысы

Жители заметили рядом с Вильнюсским железнодорожным вокзалом необычную картину: крыс среди бела дня. Они видели грызунов прямо на остановке, а под деревьями — норы, пишет портал madeinvilnius.lt.

It turns out that this is not the first time that residents have seen rats at the train station. There have been reports of rats at the station in the fall as well.

«Rats usually thrive in places with a lot of trash and food waste. Naturally, in areas with a high concentration of people, such as the train station, there tends to be more garbage. That’s why we regularly respond to residents’ reports and conduct rodent control. The last time it was done in the train station area was at the beginning of the fall,» said Gabriele Grubinskas, a representative of the municipal government.

The municipality is aware that rats have returned to the area this spring, so a spring rodent control program will be organized. After this procedure, there will be no rats left at the train station.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях