Сейм рассмотрит поправки к законам, которые помогут урегулировать перезахоронение советских воинов

Сейм рассмотрит внесенные депутатом Домасом Гришкявичюсом поправки к законам, которые позволят должным образом перезахоронить останки советских воинов из репрезентативных мест городов и городков на кладбищах.

Member of the «In the Name of Lithuania» faction, D. Grishkyavichyus, suggests giving the Government the authority to determine the procedure for the transfer of the remains of Soviet soldiers of World War II, the perpetuation of their burial sites, and the marking of these sites.

It is also proposed that exceptions be made in cases where it is recognized that graves and cemeteries promote totalitarian, authoritarian regimes and their ideologies, and that they can be removed despite being listed as cultural heritage.

The issue of amending the law was prompted by a problem that arose when Soviet soldiers of World War II were reburied in a military cemetery in the town of Pumpenai, Pasvalys district, while the old burial site remained listed as cultural heritage.

According to Grishkyavichyus, the proposed amendments to the law will help regulate the reburial of soldiers legally.

D. Grishkyavichyus, a member of the Seimas who prepared amendments to the law on the prohibition of propaganda of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes and their ideologies, also suggests expanding the concept of «public place» to include «cemeteries» as a new object.

Currently, according to this law, only public facilities located on the territory of cemeteries or other burial sites can be assessed. However, the question of whether a soldier’s burial site or cemetery as a whole is considered a propaganda of a totalitarian regime has not been resolved.

In each specific case, according to the proposal of the Center for the Study of Genocide and Resistance, an interdepartmental commission established by the Seimas should assess whether cemeteries and burial sites are symbols of propaganda of a totalitarian or authoritarian regime.

The amendments to the laws initiated by Seimas member D. Grishkyavichyus and the Siauliai City Council were unanimously supported by representatives of ruling and opposition factions on Thursday.

After being reviewed in committees, they are expected to return to the plenary session in June.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях