Сейм одобрил предложение разрешить военнообязанным владеть некоторыми видами автоматического оружия

Сейм рассмотрит предложение о предоставлении права военнообязанным, прошедшим военную службу, на приобретение и владение некоторыми видами автоматического оружия.

These amendments to the Law on Arms and Ammunition were supported by 100 members of the Seimas, 1 voted against, and 14 abstained after being introduced. Now, this issue will be referred to the parliamentary committees on national security and defense, as well as on healthcare.

The proposed amendments, registered by conservatives and Paulus Saudargas, suggest providing the opportunity for conscripts who have completed basic military training to acquire and possess certain Category A weapons, silencers, Category B and C weapons, as well as ammunition for them. The weapons could be used by conscripts to improve their practical skills.

The firearm ownership permit will be valid for 2 years and can then be extended for another 5 years at the discretion of the chief of police or another authorized person. This right will be valid until conscripts reach the age of 60.

However, individuals over 21 years old can obtain a permit for the storage and use of firearms. They must present a military ID confirming that they had the right to carry weapons during their service and pass the appropriate exam.

Active reserve soldiers would also have the right to use and carry firearms. They would not be subject to the age restriction of 21 years, as is the case for voluntary soldiers, professional soldiers in military service, or marksmen.

The initiators of the amendments hope that the changes in the procedure will help implement the principle of universal defense and allow citizens to participate more effectively in national defense.

The law is expected to return to the Seimas for review on June 4.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях