Президентский рейтинг: новый рекорд и яростная борьба

Действующий президент Гитанас Науседа, претендующий на второй срок, достиг невиданных позиций рейтинга, таковы данные нового опроса, проведенного по заказу The Lithuania компанией Spinter tyrimai 18–25 февраля.

At the top of the presidential rating is the current head of the country, Gitana Nausėda, with 23.5% in January and 28.5% in February (an increase of more than 5%). This is Nausėda’s highest result since October 2022.

In second place is a lawyer, with 12.2% in January and 13.4% in February.

In third place is the prime minister, with 10.9% in January and 12.8% in February.

Next is the current deputy, with 3.3% in January and 4.7% in February.

The fifth position is held by a candidate from the Party of Freedom, with 4.1% in January and 4.3% in February.

Following him is an independent candidate, former army commander Valdas Tutkus, with 1.7% in January and 3% in February.

At the bottom of the rating is a candidate from the Lithuanian Peasant and Greens Union, with 2.8% in January and 2.6% in February.

The list also included Zenonas Andrulevičius, Gedrimas Eglinskas, Gintautas Knukšta, Andrius Mazuronis, Arunas Rimkus, Eduardas Vaitkus, but they all received less than 2% of votes.

Together, they received 12.2% of votes in January and 7.5% in February.

The Lithuania notes that Zenonas Andrulevičius lost his candidate status by the time the article was published.

In January, 6.7%, and in February, 8.1% of respondents did not plan to vote.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях