Президент оценил кандидатуру Кащюнаса: хочет услышать конкретные планы

Премьер-министр Ингрида Шимоните представила кандидатуру Лауринаса Кащюнаса на должность министра обороны. Президент Гитанас Науседа в свою очередь утверждает, что хотел бы услышать от политика, что он может сделать за оставшийся срок полномочий этого правительства.

«I assess this candidacy well, this is an energetic person, well-known in politics, who has many ideas. However, of course, these ideas or his plans will have to be looked at through the prism of the remaining limited term of office», said G. Nausėda during his visit on Tuesday.

«However, the field of tasks for a person coming to work for four years looks completely different from the field of tasks for a person who has a few months left to work. Of course, we would like to know (…), what he intends to do not only at the strategic level, but also what he intends to do specifically in the remaining months until the end of the term,» concluded the head of the country.

As previously reported, the meeting of the head of the country with the incumbent Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense (NSDC) and candidate for the position of Minister of Defense is scheduled to take place on Wednesday at the Presidential Palace.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях