Президент Литвы ответил на критику неправительственных организаций в адрес Кащюнаса: у меня тоже есть к ним вопрос

В то время как неправительственные организации критикуют кандидата на пост министра обороны Лауринаса Кащюнаса, президент Гитанас Науседа утверждает, что при принятии окончательного решения учтет все аргументы.

However, the country’s leader wonders why the doubts currently expressed about L. Kaščiūnas’ suitability to head the ministry were not heard when the conservative was appointed chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense (CNSD).

«We live in a democratic society, and public and non-governmental organizations can always express their opinion — I would even call on them to do so,» said G. Nausėda to journalists in Brussels before the start of the European Council meeting.

«I have a question for them — do they think that the presence of a person in the position of chairman of the Committee on National Security and Defense could not have caused such problems if these arguments were really weighty? This is also a very influential figure, but at the time of his appointment (as chairman of the committee) I did not hear such doubts or complaints,» he noted.

However, G. Nausėda assured that before making a decision on L. Kaščiūnas’ candidacy, he will consider all aspects. The President promises to make a decision in the near future.

«I will evaluate all aspects. Right now I am waiting for information that will allow me to better understand the context of the appointment, and only then will I make a decision. I hope this will be done by Friday evening, but it may be postponed to Monday,» he added.

More than 20 non-governmental organizations have appealed to President Gitanas Nausėda asking him not to appoint the chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense (CNSD) Laurynas Kaščiūnas as Minister of Defense.

According to the authors of the appeal, the values of this politician contradict human rights.
L. Kaščiūnas’ candidacy for the post of Minister of Defense was presented to the country’s leader on Tuesday. His candidacy was previously mentioned as one of the most realistic politicians to replace the outgoing Minister of Defense.

The news of the unexpected resignation of the minister came out on Friday. The government’s press service distributed a statement on Friday evening stating that the Prime Minister had received A. Anušauskas’ resignation from the post of Minister of Defense.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях