Пользователей Telegram предупреждают: фиксируются попытки вовлечения жителей Литвы в преступную деятельность

Глава Национального центра кризисного управления (НЦКУ) Вилмантас Виткаускас предупреждает, что граждан Литвы, пользующихся социальной сетью Telegram, все чаще пытаются вовлечь в преступные схемы. Поэтому глава НЦКУ призывает жителей, использующих эту онлайн-платформу, сохранять бдительность.

«What happened a year or more ago in Estonia, when people responded to offers to perform certain actions for a certain reward that might not seem malicious: take a photo, write graffiti on a wall, or do other similar things (…), we noticed such things,» said V. Vitkauskas to LRT radio station.

The head of NCKU notes that even in the last week there have been cases where Lithuanian citizens were offered a certain reward to write various inscriptions about Lithuanians on the walls of buildings. However, V. Vitkauskas warns that residents using the Telegram platform may be involved in more serious crimes.

«Such things may seem innocent, but we must warn the public that these are actually involvements in certain schemes and such things lead to much bigger cases,» emphasized the head of NCKU.

«Yesterday afternoon there were several threats about explosives planted in shopping centers. We cannot yet say whether this was part of this scheme, but it is quite possible that such a mechanism can work and in this way an attempt can be made, from the opponents’ point of view, to involve certain people (…) in criminal activities,» he said.
Therefore, V. Vitkauskas warns residents using the Telegram platform to remain vigilant.

«We urge citizens to be very vigilant. And if they notice an attempt to involve them in any action, report it to the police or the Department of State Security,» called on the head of NCKU.

Various provocative incidents have occurred in Lithuania recently. On Wednesday, it became known that a person who desecrated Lithuanian flags had been arrested, and a person who drew orange triangles on buildings was also arrested. In addition, there have been reports of explosive devices being planted in public places.

On Tuesday evening on the outskirts, an unknown person attacked and injured a 43-year-old associate of the late Alexei Navalny.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях