Погода: после нескольких теплых дней придет циклон из Скандинавии

В ближайшие сутки Литва будет находится в зоне высокого атмосферного давления, осадков не ожидается.

On Thursday, it will be mostly cloudy with some clear spells. There will be a southeast wind, and temperatures will rise to 6-11 degrees.

On Friday night, there will be scattered showers, and the wind will calm down slightly. Overnight temperatures will be 1-6 degrees. On Friday, there will be no significant precipitation, but the wind will strengthen. During the day, temperatures will be 8-13 degrees.

Over the weekend, the influence of the Scandinavian cyclone will increase, so on Saturday night, there will be showers in some areas, and during the day, rain in many areas is expected. The wind will be south-west, west. Overnight and in the morning, temperatures will be 2-7 degrees, and during the day, 9-14 degrees of warmth.

On Sunday, the precipitation will not stop, the wind will strengthen, and it will get colder. Overnight temperatures will be 0-5 degrees, and during the day, 2-7 degrees of warmth.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях