Партия свободы не поддерживает кандидатуру Кащюнаса на пост министра обороны

Председатель Партии свободы Аушрине Армонайте заявляет, что возглавляемая ею политическая сила не поддерживает кандидатуру консерватора Лауринаса Кащюнаса на пост министра обороны.

«The new candidate for minister, L. Kasčiūnas, does not have the support of the Freedom Party. And here’s why: our political views are often opposite, he consistently pursued a policy that is incompatible with the values represented by the Freedom Party and deliberately blocked projects in the Parliament, such as the Civil Union, etc. This decision and the choice of the Prime Minister and the ruling coalition, from which we distance ourselves,» wrote A. Armonaitė on her Facebook account.

A. Armonaitė reacted skeptically to the candidacy of L. Kasčiūnas as a possible new head of the Ministry of Defense, following the coalition council meeting on Monday. However, at that time, the current Chairman of the National Security and Defense Committee (NSDC) was not officially presented to the President as a candidate.

However, coalition partners, the liberals, hold an opposite position and claim that they support the candidacy of L. Kasčiūnas.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях