Неслыханная наглость: в Вильнюсе нелегально снесена охраняемая вилла

Во время продолжительной выходной Литва активно отмечала Йонинес, а местные жители жилого района Жверинас были свидетелями поразительного события: на улице Малонёи, 5, была снесена огромная вилла. За всего несколько дней это грандиозное сооружение полностью исчезло. Однако, оказалось, что процесс сноса был нелегальным.

«Suddenly heavy machinery arrived and began demolishing this magnificent building. It is located in a protected area. No one was informed about the works. The community knew nothing. Municipality workers have arrived and are drawing up some protocols,» a resident of Žverinasa informed the journalist.

The residents discussed these actions on Facebook and wrote that the works were likely illegal.

According to the Center of Registers, the plot at 5 Malonye Street belongs to Foreksas JSC.

The plot is located in a cultural heritage zone.

According to the Center of Registers, there used to be a two-story hospital here. The area is 554.66 sq. m. The building was constructed in 1940. There was a warehouse and utility building on the plot.

Foreksas JSC purchased the land and buildings on August 11, 2022.

The company’s director is Valantas Cibulskis, the indirect owner is Paulus Kveselaitis.

The Vilnius municipality informed The Lithuania that the building was demolished illegally: «Last Sunday, in the Žverinas district, at 5 Malonye Street, Foreksas JSC illegally demolished a building — a typical urban villa, which was included in the cultural heritage register from 2008-2017. Foreksas JSC plans to build a new house in this location.»

According to representatives of the municipality, no demolition permits were issued, making the works illegal.

«Despite the fact that the building is no longer included in the cultural heritage register, the goal of the Vilnius municipality is to preserve the unique architecture of Žverinas, so the Department of Cultural Heritage was asked to recognize this building as part of the urban historical district in order to protect it from demolition. Last week, a decision was made to order an assessment of the building’s condition, assess its value, and architectural elements,» the municipality stated.

The municipality stated that it would contact the State Construction Inspection.

«The developer’s illegal actions will not go unpunished. First, we will contact the Construction Inspection, which investigates cases of unauthorized construction and demolition and imposes fines. Then, the municipality will demand that the developer pay the prescribed fine for illegal actions. Thirdly, the developer’s ability to dispose of the plot may be restricted.

Our goal is to ensure that Žverinas retains its uniqueness, its own architectural style,» the municipality stated.

The Lithuania contacted Foreksas JSC for comment but has not received a response yet.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях