Навальная призвала к участию в акции «Полдень против Путина»

Вдова Алексея Навального Юлия Навальная призвала граждан России принять участие в объявленной оппозицией акции «Полдень против Путина», а именно прийти к избирательным участкам в основной день голосования на президентских выборах — 17 марта — одновременно в 12.00. «Если мы придем одновременно, наш голос прозвучит громче», — сказала она в видеообращении, опубликованном в среду, 6 марта, на YouTube-канале «Алексей Навальный».

Describing the upcoming elections as a «complete fabrication and fake,» because, according to her, the President of Russia, will «draw any result he likes, whether it’s 80 or 180 percent,» Yulia Navalnaya emphasized that opponents of the regime can use the voting against the head of state, «to achieve our goals» with you.»

«At noon on March 17, we can come and see each other, see that there are many of us and we are strong,» she pointed out, reminding that her late husband, Alexei Navalny, called for participation in the «Noon Against Putin» campaign two weeks before his death. «What to do next is up to you. You can vote for any candidate except Putin. You can spoil the ballot. You can write ‘Navalny’ on it. And even if you don’t see any point in voting at all, you can simply come and stand at the polling station, and then turn around and go home.»

The widow of the leader of the Russian opposition called for using the time remaining until June 17 for agitation: «Everyone must know about this action, so I am directly addressing everyone who is watching this video: convince one more person to come with you — this will be your personal contribution to the common cause.»

Noon Against Putin

In late January, individual representatives of the Russian opposition proposed the initiative to hold the «Noon Against Putin» campaign, in which all Russians who disagree with Vladimir Putin’s policies are invited to come to the polling stations at the same time. «It is important to gather everyone at the same time and make sure of what the criminal authorities fear the most — that we are the majority,» the campaign’s website stated.

In support of this campaign, Maxim Reznik, , , Mikhail Lobanov, and other Russian oppositionists spoke out. On February 1, Alexei Navalny supported it from the colony.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях