Начата реконструкция пешеходного моста над железнодорожным вокзалом в столице

Государственная компания «Литовские железные дороги» (LTG) информирует, что начинается первый этап реконструкции пешеходного моста над железнодорожным вокзалом в столице.

It is reported that this viaduct will improve communication between the districts of Nauninkay and Nauyamestis, making it safer. In addition, the viaduct will be accessible to disabled individuals.

The company announced a competition to carry out these works, with Švykai emerging as the winner. The company will first equip new stairs (1.6 m wide) with glass railings leading to the platforms.

During the reconstruction, the viaduct’s railings will be replaced and damaged sections will be repaired. The concrete surface will be renewed, old stairs will be dismantled, and new lights will be installed.

According to the press release, pedestrian movement on the viaduct will be partially restricted during the reconstruction, but it will not be closed. All work is planned to be completed by the end of this year.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях