На фоне проблем с промежуточными экзменами, министр образования Литвы думал об отставке

Министр образования, науки и спорта Гинтаутас Якштас признает, что на фоне проблем с промежуточными экзаменами для одиннадцатиклассников он и заместитель министра Рамунас Скауджюс подумывали об отставке. Однако, было принято решение на данный момент решать возникшие проблемы и вернуться к вопросу политической ответственности после завершения проверочной сессии.

«The question that often arises, that we hear and that we ask ourselves is a question of responsibility. Who is responsible for the fact that in some exams the tasks do not correspond to either the program or were incorrect, wrong, or disproportionately difficult,» said G. Yakstas at a Friday press conference.

«We also discussed with the deputy minister whose responsibility it is. We ourselves feel responsible for this — both me and the deputy minister. We understand that when it comes to politics and responsibility, it usually means (…) resignation,» he said.

«Indeed, we carefully considered this option, which would apparently be the simplest for me and the deputy minister. But what then (will happen — ELTA) in the education system? Do we have people who are now willing to come together and take up these positions and solve the problems? We do not see this,» underlined the Minister of Education.

Therefore, the minister continued, the most important thing «now is to solve the problems faced by the exams.»

«We have time, as far as I understand, until the middle of May,» he explained, noting that after the interim exams, an assessment of the entire session will be given, with a search for ways to improve the system.

«Then we can think whether someone’s resignation or some other action can demonstrate a greater acceptance of responsibility than to stay and continue working during this difficult period,» he concluded.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях