Министр экономики обсудила с украинскими производителями дронов сотрудничество с литовскими предприятиями

В Киеве министр экономики и инноваций Аушрине Армонайте встретилась с украинскими производителями дронов и обсудила возможности сотрудничества с литовскими производителями дронов, а также двустороннее развитие передовых оборонных технологий.

«The war has shown the significant impact of advanced technologies. For example, drones have drastically changed the course of warfare. We will continue to support Ukraine by supplying advanced weapon systems. We would also like to collaborate with innovative Ukrainian companies in the development of defense technologies,» said Minister of Economy and Innovation A. Armonaite.

According to the Ministry, the Minister familiarized Ukrainian companies with Lithuania’s growing defense industry. Lithuania develops advanced defense solutions — from laser technologies to electronic combat systems. Technologies developed in Lithuania are also successfully used on the battlefield in Ukraine and exported to other NATO countries.

The Minister also presented favorable conditions for the establishment of defense enterprises from partner countries, including Ukraine, in Lithuania.

«Ukrainian manufacturers are also interested in the opportunity to develop part of their activities from Lithuania, as they will have a safe environment for producing their products and exporting them to NATO countries,» said the Minister.

The meetings discussed the possibilities for Lithuanian and Ukrainian companies to jointly develop advanced defense technologies, including drones, anti-drone systems, etc. This year, representatives of Ukrainian companies have already visited Lithuania in search of partners for drone manufacturing.

Currently, there are several dozen companies in Ukraine that produce drones: explosive-carrying drones for multi-purpose and single-use, maritime drones, drones for demining and mining, reconnaissance drones, and others.

«Ukrainians inspire us with their courage and inventiveness. After the start of the full-scale invasion, innovative Ukrainian companies began developing advanced defense solutions. The armament and technologies developed by Ukraine today could also contribute to strengthening our country’s armed forces,» said A. Armonaite.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях