Министерство экономики и инноваций: Литва в сфере цифровизации опередила не одну страну ЕС

Государственные цифровые услуги Литвы являются одними из самых передовых в Европейском союзе (ЕС). По данным прошлогоднего отчета Литовского цифрового десятилетия, в рейтинге государственных услуг для населения Литва набрала 84 балла (в среднем по ЕС – 77 баллов), в рейтинге государственных услуг для бизнеса – 94 балла (в среднем по ЕС – 84 балла), а в рейтинге доступа к эл. медицинским записям – 92 балла (средний показатель по ЕС – 72).

«It is evident that we are heading in the right direction and continue to strengthen Lithuania’s competitive advantages as one of the most digitized countries in the world. This is especially noticeable in the field of government digital services, where we are among the leaders in the EU,» said the Minister of Economy and Innovation in a press release.

The Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MEI) has prepared a plan for Lithuania’s national digital decade. In the field of digital skills and IT specialists, the goal is for at least 80% of residents aged 16-74 in the EU to acquire basic digital skills. In addition, there are plans to employ at least 20 million specialists in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).

In the area of secure, resilient, efficient, and sustainable digital infrastructure, the aim is to provide coverage in all populated areas, and the cost of producing advanced and sustainable semiconductors in the EU should be at least 20% of the global production cost.

At the EU level, the plan is to implement at least 10,000 climate-neutral highly protected network border nodes, and by 2025, the EU will acquire its first computer using quantum acceleration technology.

The goal in the field of digital business transformation is for at least 75% of EU enterprises to use cloud technology, big data, and artificial intelligence services, and for over 90% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the EU to achieve at least a basic level of digital intensity.

In the field of digitizing government services, the goal is for 100% of basic government services for EU citizens and businesses to be available online, and for all EU citizens to have access to medical documents and secure electronic identification (eID) tools.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях