Литовская армия: Литва войска к границе с Беларусью не посылает

После того как выяснилось, что Беларусь направила к границе с Литвой военную технику и военных, в пятницу появились разговоры о том, что якобы, Литовская армия везет военную технику к границе с Беларусью. Представители Литовской армии эту информацию отрицают.

On Friday, people on Facebook started guessing what was happening — maybe the Lithuanian army was preparing for exercises? It was noticed that military equipment was possibly being transferred towards the Belarusian border.

Representatives of the Strategic Communications Department of the Lithuanian Army informed the The Lithuania portal that the army is not sending its equipment to the border with Belarus.

«The movement that people are writing about is the return of soldiers and equipment of the Infantry Battalion named after Grand Duke Vytautas from the Kazlų Rūda training ground named after Brigade General Kazys Veverskis (in Kazlų Rūda) to their permanent location in Rukla», the response said.

On Thursday night, Belarus sent its military equipment and soldiers to the border with Lithuania. The Ministry of Defense assured The Lithuania that it is a routine combat training of the Belarusian military, and increased activity is observed at all major Belarusian training grounds and in the airspace. However, the Ministry of Defense emphasized that there is no reason to worry.

«Belarus states that this check of the armed forces is a response to national exercises. Military intelligence constantly monitors the situation and assesses it. There is no reason to worry,» the Ministry of Defense noted.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях