Каунас передал Харькову 20 городских автобусов

Разрушаемому Россией Харькову, второму по величине украинскому городу, Каунасское самоуправление передало 20 автобусов, шесть из которых уже прибыли в страдающий от войны город. Как указывает самоуправление, за их рулем находились сотрудники Харьковского трамвайного депо.

«In the autumn of last year, representatives of the municipality visited Ukraine and personally met with the mayor of Kharkiv, Igor Terekhov. Upon learning that the city, which constantly experiences shelling, has serious problems with public transport, we offered them help — to provide two dozen old buses. Until today, they have been successfully operating on the streets of Kaunas, so they will undoubtedly be useful there,» said Kaunas Vice Mayor Andrius Palenis.

This time, among the buses ready to be sent, there are nine technically sound and suitable for operation Solaris buses, which were purchased brand new by the company in 2004-2005. The rest are Volvo buses from 2006, which arrived in Kaunas six years ago.

It is reported that before the war, Kharkiv was served by a municipal enterprise and private carriers — almost 500 vehicles were deployed on the streets daily. When the occupiers started attacking, private carriers immediately ceased their activities, so there were only about a hundred buses left in the city.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях