Кандидат на должность министра обороны Кащюнас: если меня пригласят, я готов

Председатель Комитета национальной безопасности и обороны литовского Сейма Л. Кащюнас уверяет, что готов взять на себя обязанности министра национальной обороны вместо Арвидаса Анушаускаса, если ему поступит такое предложение.

«If I am invited, I am ready,» said L. Kasčiūnas to journalists on Saturday, noting that he recently received such an offer.

«I really planned to start working on Monday and take the position of Chairman of the National Security and Defense Committee of the Lithuanian Seimas,» he said, adding that he communicates with Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė both by phone and in person.

L. Kasčiūnas assures that if he receives an offer to take on the responsibilities of A. Anušauskas, he will come to the ministry with proposals for the practical implementation of the curfew system, rear unit, territorial self-defense, drone programs, further training and armament of the military reserve. However, the politician emphasizes the vision of overall defense as the main priority.

«We must develop the will to resist, we must involve our society in defense plans. Only this principle of overall defense in practical implementation will allow us to create such a state, such a power, a Lithuanian hedgehog, where even a strong Russian bear would be uncomfortable swallowing it, he would not want to do that,» said L. Kasčiūnas.

When asked if he will be able to achieve the set goals within 9 months before the end of his term, the parliamentarian answered that he will work on Saturdays and Sundays as well.
If he is invited to become a minister, L. Kasčiūnas said he will consider the possibility of keeping some of the current deputy ministers of national defense in their positions.

«I will form my team, but some deputy ministers really do a good job. If I am destined to perform these duties, I will propose that some of them stay,» he said.

On Friday, the government’s press service issued a statement confirming that Prime Minister I. Šimonytė received a resignation letter from A. Anušauskas.

On Saturday, I. Šimonytė wrote on her Facebook page that the resignation of Minister of National Defense A. Anušauskas is not related to a sudden change in the state of national security in Lithuania or negative news about the ministry’s activities. According to her, it is related to the expectation of doing «even more and more efficiently» during this term.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях