Янина из Дзукии о весне: все будет не так, как в прошлом году

«Весна приходит вовремя и точно по календарю», – сказала Янина Янушаускене из Марцинкониса, которая с детства наблюдает за природой. Женщина говорит, что в этом году не стоит надеяться на резкий переход от мокрого снега, характерного для ранней весны, к летнему теплу, перемены будут не такими резкими, как в прошлом году.

«The spring has only just begun, it’s too early for flowers to bloom, it’s March outside. It’s normal for it to be cold before Easter, and sometimes there’s wet snow. Almost all the birds have arrived already, and if the sun comes out, the ants start running. Everything is on time this year,» said Yanina, who makes forecasts based on observations of nature.

She mentioned that in 1983, on March 26, there were knee-deep snowdrifts in Dzukija.

«My husband took me to the maternity hospital in winter clothes, and picked me up in early April already wearing a dress,» Yanina reminisced.

«Everything becomes green in early April, so don’t expect it to be 25-30 degrees right away. Nature slowly awakens in its own rhythm after its winter slumber. This year we can rejoice in the quiet awakening of spring. Spring comes on the calendar, it doesn’t happen often,» she continued.

According to her, the maple sap flowed early this year, at the end of February, and the birch sap in early April. Yanina is convinced that cold weather and wet snow are possible not only at the end of March, but also after Easter, and there won’t be a sharp transition from spring chill to hot summer – the changes will be slower than last year.

«We should rejoice at every ray of sunshine, the spring rain, it’s never too much in Dzukija. I can already see the green grass – it’s no longer yellow, early flowers are blooming,» Yanina shared.

According to Yanina, there’s no need to hope that there won’t be enough spring moisture for there to be more mushrooms in the summer. The mushroom crop can only be predicted in the summer, when it becomes clear how much precipitation there will be.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях