Именные номера вызвали переполох: можно ли получить штраф за номер NAT0?

В социальных сетях часто возникают дискуссии, посвященные именным автомобильным номерам. Одни критикуют такую возможность и смеются над ней, другие рады возможности получить подходящий номер, например, для рекламы компании. На этой неделе переполох вызвал номерной знак NAT0. Известно, что любое использование названия Альянса должно быть согласовано с его представителями, если это не сделать, можно получить штраф. Действительно ли за такой номер можно получить штраф?

Some participants in the discussion suggested that this number could be the genitive case of the name Natas (in Lithuanian, the genitive case of this name is written as Nato). Since there must be at least one digit in the number, the letter O was replaced with a zero.

Representatives of the company Regitrа also mentioned this version as a possible option.

The company’s press secretary told The Lithuania that there is no prohibition on using the names of legal entities — both national and international — as license plates in the current regulations.

«It should be noted that the license plate was issued in accordance with the current regulations. It consists of the letters NAT and the number 0. This is not the same as the abbreviation (Atlantic Treaty Organization). Additionally, this license plate could mean that the driver’s name is Natas and can be used in the genitive case,» said Vosilius.

A representative from Regitrа said that they are currently issuing license plates starting with the letters NAT, and the combination of letters NAT and the number 001 — NAT001 — can be read as NATO01.

Vosilius said that when issuing personalized license plates, the company evaluates the customer according to the current regulations.

«Personalized license plates can be composed by the customers themselves. The maximum number of characters is 6, and at least one of the characters must be a digit.

When creating a combination, much depends on the customer, but there are also special requirements. For example, vulgar, slang words, and words that evoke negative associations, profanity, words that can be perceived as derogatory, inciting hatred, discriminating against a group of people cannot be used. According to the regulations, the inscription cannot coincide with the name of a Nazi , country names, names of Nazi or communist organizations, surnames of their leaders, or their initials,» said Vosilius.

According to a representative from Regitrа, personalized license plates are evaluated by a special commission consisting of specialists from different fields, so applications are thoroughly reviewed.

«We have noticed that when customers create personalized license plates, they choose combinations that have some personal meaning for them. For example, the numbers coincide with their date of birth, lucky numbers, the number of a favorite player, and the letters with their name, etc. Companies often use license plates for advertising,» Vosilius said.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях