Глава МИД Литвы встретился со своим польским коллегой: стратегическое партнерство Литвы и Польши продолжает укрепляться

В ходе визита в Варшаву в среду глава литовской дипломатии Габриэлюс Ландсбергис встретился с министром иностранных дел Польши Радославом Сикорским.

«The historical strategic partnership between Lithuania and Poland continues to strengthen and provide a new impetus to Europe as a whole,» Landsbergis said, emphasizing mutual agreement to continue the dialogue.

According to (), the ministers of Lithuania and Poland agreed that there is a need to fundamentally change the long-term Western approach to the threat from Russia, prioritizing its comprehensive containment.

«One way to weaken Russia and achieve victory for Ukraine is to further strengthen sanctions against Russia and Belarus. Countries bordering Russia and Belarus must adhere to a unified mechanism for implementing sanctions and, through joint efforts, prevent their circumvention,» Landsbergis noted.

Politicians also discussed the need to mobilize like-minded allies in preparation for the Washington summit, to strive for the fastest possible integration of Ukraine into the and NATO, as well as to urgently implement key infrastructure projects that strengthen not only the economies of Lithuania and Poland, but also the security situation.

The head of Lithuanian diplomacy also invited R. Sikorski to attend the annual congress of Lithuanian diplomatic missions.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях