CNN: США в 2022 году опасались ядерного удара РФ в Украине

Вашингтон в конце 2022 года получил разведданные о готовности России к возможному ядерному удару по Украине, сообщает CNN.

At the end of 2022, the administration began «careful preparation» for the possibility that Russia could launch a nuclear strike on Ukraine, CNN reported on Saturday, March 9, citing sources.

Washington’s concerns were not hypothetical but based on a «series of events,» analysis, and intelligence, according to two high-ranking sources in the US administration. «We had to plan in a way to be in the best position in case this unthinkable event actually happens,» one of the CNN interviewees said.

From late summer to autumn 2022, the US National Security Council held several meetings to discuss plans in case tactical nuclear weapons were used. During that period, the Armed Forces successfully conducted an offensive under .

Contacts between the US and Russian leadership

Washington considered scenarios in which the President of Russia might decide to launch a nuclear strike, for example, if a significant portion of Russian forces were encircled. Washington was also concerned that Russia was spreading false reports about Kiev’s alleged «dirty bomb» to cover up its own nuclear strike. In addition, Western intelligence agencies intercepted conversations among Russian officials who were directly discussing such a possibility, CNN claims.

The sources emphasized that they have not observed any activities by Russian forces that are characteristic of preparations for a nuclear strike. According to CNN, the US conducted a series of negotiations with Russian government representatives, including with Foreign Minister Sergey , Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov, and Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin, to express US concerns about a possible nuclear strike and assess Russia’s intentions.

In addition, the US sought the assistance of China and India to deter Russia from taking such a step. According to CNN sources, the «explanatory work» and public statements by Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi helped prevent a crisis.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях