Большинство немцев высказались против поставок TAURUS Киеву

Почти 60 процентов немцев поддерживают отказ канцлера поставлять Украине дальнобойные ракеты. Половина из них — против поддержки Украины немецким оружием в принципе, следует из опроса YouGov.

More than half of Germans (58 percent) are against the delivery of Taurus missiles to Ukraine to counter Russian aggression, with only 28 percent in favor. These are the results of a survey conducted by the YouGov sociological service, commissioned by the dpa agency, and published on Wednesday, March 6. Sociologists surveyed 2,169 eligible German voters.

According to the survey, 31 percent of those who do not support missile deliveries to Ukraine expressed opposition to German arms shipments to Ukraine in general. 14 percent abstained from answering.

The number of opponents to TAURUS deliveries to Kyiv is growing, according to YouGov sociologists. The results of the previous survey, conducted from February 2 to 6, 2024, showed that 49 percent were against TAURUS deliveries, while 31 percent were in favor.

Disputes over Taurus missiles

On February 26, the Chancellor once again rejected the delivery of long-range missiles to Ukraine. He later justified his decision by stating that if TAURUS is «misapplied,» the missile could «hit a target somewhere in Moscow.»

Not only the leader of the largest opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Friedrich Merz, but also the parties of the ruling coalition in Germany, the «greens» and the FDP, are calling for the delivery of long-range missiles. On February 22, a resolution project calling for the delivery of TAURUS to Ukraine, introduced by the opposition CDU/CSU bloc, was rejected by an overwhelming majority of Bundestag deputies.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях