Жители должны отказаться от газовых баллонов, иначе их ждут штрафы

«In the past, there were 2000 such apartments, but now more than 1500 households have already abandoned gas cylinders and installed electric stoves or connected to centralized gas supply. In some municipalities, 100% of residents have abandoned gas cylinders,» said Zhilene. However, 500 households still use gas cylinders.

Residents of multi-storey buildings are paid compensation of 242 euros for connecting to centralized gas supply systems or for changing electricity capacity.

According to the deputy minister, this amount is sufficient to abandon gas cylinders.

Zhilene said that some residents do not choose to give up gas cylinders due to various obstacles.

«To do this, you need to obtain a decision from the housing association. It is possible that there is no such decision, as it is difficult to motivate residents. It is possible that there is no leader in the building, no chairman of the housing association. We believe that representatives of municipalities can do a lot, they can call on residents, help them,» the deputy minister noted.

Zhilene said that a resident who wants to abandon the cylinder should contact the building administrator.

«The application is submitted not by an individual apartment, but by an authorized representative of the building. If you have any questions, you can always call the Ministry of Energy, where they will explain how to submit an application,» she noted.

Currently, the compensation is paid by the government. It is unknown whether this process will be funded next year.

«We urge you to submit your application this year, they are accepted until May 31,» Zhilene said.

If people do not give up gas cylinders, inspectors will visit them.

«They can visit such residents. The State Energy Regulatory Agency has a list of such people. The use of gas cylinders in buildings higher than two floors is subject to administrative liability,» the deputy minister said.

The fine for such a violation is 160 euros.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях