Завершилась акция протеста польских фермеров на границе с Литвой

По данным Службы охраны государственной границы, в четверг завершилась акция протеста польских фермеров на пограничном пункте Будзиско-Кальвария.

«Additional forces have been dispersed, only those who usually stay there and were there before March 1 remain. Trucks are moving as usual,» employees said.

Last Friday, Polish farmers began partially blocking the road between Kalvaria and the village of Budzisko in the Suvalki Poviat.

During the week-long action, they checked the amount of Ukrainian grain being transported.

Earlier, Polish farmers blocked roads to Ukraine as well as the country’s main highway to Germany.

The protest is caused, according to Polish farmers, by unfair competition, as Ukrainian grain is cheaper and this lowers prices for their products across Europe.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях