Вниманию водителей: ожидается метель

«According to forecasts, on Monday evening snow clouds will come in. A strong snowstorm will begin and will last until Tuesday morning,» Grinda specialists wrote.

On Monday evening, after the evening rush, Grinda workers plan to carry out preventive road maintenance:

this will protect against problems if the snow starts earlier than forecasted by meteorologists, it will allow «catching» the first snow and delaying the formation of a compacted layer of snow or ice for 1-2 hours — this is important during the morning rush;
roads will be cleared during the snowstorm.

Drivers are asked to pay attention to the fact that road conditions change quickly during snow and a snowstorm:
heavy snow and a snowstorm impede visibility;
a freshly cleared section quickly gets covered in snow;

Plan your travel time with extra time:
unfavorable conditions require more time.

Be careful, choose a safe speed.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях