В Вильнюсском районе открыт завод по производству компонентов для интерьера самолетов

«Our business is related to engineering, manufacturing solutions, and design. The factory will enable us to undertake more large-scale projects. Now, we can not only continue what we started before — updating salons, chairs, covers, etc. Now, with the availability of various machines, we will start producing some components,» said Skukauskas.

The Deputy Minister of Economy and Innovation, Morozaitė-Rasmussen, said that the expansion of such a company is a priority for innovation and the aviation sector’s development.

She thanked J&C Aero for their contribution to the integration of people with disabilities. Morozaitė-Rasmussen reminded that this company produces Jump Duo equipment, which is used during flights as a seat for flight attendants and as a wheelchair for people with disabilities.

According to (Sodra), the company employs 147 people. J&C Aero’s turnover is approximately 10 million euros per year.

In 2023, J&C Aero upgraded the A319 aircraft used by .

According to Skukauskas, the company participated in the modernization of the aircraft used by the British royal family, replacing the heraldry with .

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях