В Вильнюсе состоялось «факельное» шествие народников

Participants of the procession on Friday evening gathered at the monument and walked to Lukiskes Square.

The majority of the participants carried torches, Lithuanian tricolors, flags with the emblem, banners with the slogans «Descendants of occupiers will not dictate migration policy!», «Stop mass migration!», «Together against the Russian world!», «We will not adapt to newcomers!» and others.

The participants of the procession sang folk songs and chanted «Lithuania, Lithuania». The words «Lithuania is for Lithuanians» were also heard.

At Lukiskes Square, the leader of Pro patria Vitas Sinica said that there are not only geopolitical challenges, but also the danger of losing their identity due to large flows of migrants.

«We demand that Lithuania restrict and decide for itself who should come here, whether newcomers are needed here. We demand that they be required to know the Lithuanian language, to acknowledge our history, statehood, and culture. We demand that Lithuanian «, he said.

«The loss of identity, culture, language, one’s home, and the status of being the owner in one’s own country is no less of a serious threat. If we give in to it and lose this status, the state will lose its meaning», added Sinica.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях