В системе скидок Национального драматического театра – признаки дискриминации по возрасту

It is reported that the discount for «young people» can currently be used by individuals up to the age of 25. Representatives of the theater justified their decision by stating that this discount was introduced to expand the audience of young people, regardless of their status and education.

«We chose 25 years old because young people of older age are already established in the job market and are more economically advanced, so they do not need discounts,» said theater representatives.

Meanwhile, the Equal Opportunities Controller Service emphasized during the investigation that there is no mention of a specific age in the country’s laws regulating benefits and assistance for young people.

«In general, applying discounts based on age is not considered discrimination. However, in this case, the theater did not provide objective data, such as statistics, that would justify the establishment of a specific age limit. Is a 26-year-old person really more economically stable than a 25-year-old?» said Karolis Chapas, a lawyer at the service.

According to him, the arguments presented by the theater cannot be considered justified.

The service noted that the theater’s established age limit of 25 contradicts the service’s principles, according to which equal conditions should be created for obtaining the same goods and services, regardless of age, gender, and other personal characteristics.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях