В Президентском дворце награждены лауреаты Национальных премий Литвы по культуре и искусству

Writer Violetta Palchinskayte has been awarded for her imaginative play in her works for multiple generations of readers and for her testimony of multifaceted experience in her memoirs.

Egle Rakauskayte, an interdisciplinary artist, has been honored with the award for her work that transforms cultural paradigms and has a long-term influence on contemporary art.

Photographer Violetta Bubelite has been awarded for her boldness and self-irony in her photo monospectacles.

Art historian, critic, and exhibition curator Professor Dr. Gedre Jankyavichute has been awarded for shaping public critical memory through internationally acclaimed books and exhibitions.

Actress Rasa Samuolite has been awarded the National Prize for Culture and Art for her impressive range of acting and influence in theater and cinema.

Composer Professor Mindaugas Urbanitis has been awarded for his urban energy and the beauty of minimalism in his musical and dance scenes.

The Jonas Basanavicius National Prize for in-depth research on mythological worldview, interpretation, preservation, and popularization of integral culture has been awarded to Dr. Daiva Vaitekaviciene.

The President, who presented the awards to the laureates, emphasized that culture and history are the existential and value foundation of the state, and thanked the cultural and artistic figures of the country for their tremendous contribution to the enhancement of the value of culture.

«Like most of your outstanding predecessors, with your works, you make a significant contribution to the values and ideals that each of us receives in our immediate environment. By expanding our imagination, you set the benchmarks and boundaries for the personal actions of each of us, from which relationships supporting society and the state emerge,» the leader of the country is quoted as saying in the press release.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях