В Литве количество зарегистрированных сделок с недвижимостью в январе – самое низкое за несколько лет

«January of this year looks extremely modest — the smallest number of registered real estate transactions was recorded only 7-8 years ago,» says data analyst Paulus Rudzkis.

It is reported that in the first month of this year, 6.5 thousand real estate properties were registered throughout Lithuania through purchase and sale transactions, which is 13.1% less than in January 2023, when 7.5 thousand real estate sales were registered.

In January, 1.8 thousand apartment sales were registered in the country, which is 12.3% less than in January 2023 and 30.2% less than in December of last year. In January of this year, the number of sold apartments became the lowest monthly result in over 8.5 years — the lowest monthly number of transactions (1.5 thousand) was in May 2015.

In the first month of this year, nearly 600 apartment sales were registered, which is 18.6% less than in January 2023, in — about 260 (0.8% less), — about 140 (10.1% less).

This year, nearly 600 sales of individual residential houses have also been registered in Lithuania, which is 10.7% less than in January 2023, when about 670 house sales were registered. In January of this year, the fixed number of sold residential houses became the lowest monthly result in almost 7 years — the lowest monthly number of transactions (around 560) was recorded in February 2017.

In January, 3.1 thousand changes of land ownership were also registered in the country, which is 15% less than in January 2023, when 3.7 thousand land transactions were registered.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях