В Литве будет сухо, но прохладно

В Литве ожидается сухая, но прохладная погода, обусловленная зоной высокого атмосферного давления. Облачность увеличится, но время от времени солнце все же будет выглядывать из-за облаков.

On Saturday morning, fog is still possible, and there may be frost in the southwest. During the day, it will be 1-6 degrees Celsius.

No precipitation is expected overnight on Sunday. It will be 1-6 degrees below freezing at night and in the morning.

On Sunday, there will be no precipitation, but the wind will strengthen. During the day, the air will warm up to 3-8 degrees Celsius.

No significant precipitation is expected overnight on Monday, but there will be light rain during the day. At night, the temperature will range from 4 degrees below freezing to 1 degree above freezing, and during the day it will be 5-10 degrees Celsius.

Starting from Tuesday, the weather will be similar, but there will be more frequent precipitation, mostly light.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях