В этом году в приоритете налоговой – сферы торговли, строительства и общепита, а также торговцы автомобилями

В этом году внимание Государственной налоговой инспекции (ГНИ) будет приковано к компаниям, действующим в таких сферах как торговля, строительство, общественное питание, а также к торговцам автомобилями, сообщает издание Verslo žinios.

According to the portal, inspectors will also carefully monitor whether company funds are being used for personal needs, as well as tax payments by individuals engaged in e-commerce activities.

In 2024, as in previous years, the State Tax Inspectorate (STI) will pay the greatest attention to tax risks and economic sectors that have the greatest impact on budget revenues, as well as areas where the scale of income accounting and tax evasion is the highest, said the Chief of the STI, Edita Janusene, to vz.lt.

«We review such assessments annually and partially adjust our plans. However, the continuity in them is quite obvious — reducing the gap in tax payment remains a priority for the STI, with the aim of preventing tax evasion related to income or employment relationships, as well as income accounting,» she told the publication.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях