В феврале в Литве снова дорожают гарантийные поставки электричества

According to Delfi calculations, in February the tariff plan «Standard» with one zone will be 26.92 cents — this is 14.7% more expensive than in January (22.97). The bill for 150 kW will be 40.38 euros (34.45 euros in January).

The tariffs for the «Standard» plan with two zones will be 28.49 cents during weekdays and 23.41 cents at night and on weekends.

The tariff for the «Home» plan with one zone is 25.35 cents, and with two zones it is 26.68 and 22.44 cents respectively (plus a 3 euro subscription).

The cost of guaranteed supplies depends on the average price on the exchange for the previous month plus a 15% markup and other components.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях