Скандал в Сантаришкской больнице: хирурга дискриминировали по половому признаку

Служба контролера равных возможностей установила еще один случай, когда женщина на рабочем месте получила худшие условия, чем мужчина. Хирург Национального онкоинститута была вынуждена оперировать пациентов только после обеда, а ее коллега мужчина мог делать это по утрам, пишет портал madeinvilnius.lt.

Хирург repeatedly requested to change her work schedule to a more convenient one, but her request was only partially granted and the conditions created were still inconvenient. That is why the doctor turned to the SKRV.

In her complaint, she stated that she works in the field of breast surgery in the oncology department, part of the time she works in the NOY, part — she consults in the polyclinic. The doctor wanted to perform surgeries more often in the morning, as male surgeons did. According to her, morning hours are better for surgery, both for the doctor and the patient.

Since June, she has repeatedly asked to have her schedule arranged so that she could work in the mornings at least twice a week, but her request was not taken into account. It was only in October that she was assigned to two morning shifts per week.

The doctor also noted that she was given to work on the most inconvenient days for surgeries — on Mondays and Fridays. «Obviously, the head of the department intentionally tried to create the most inconvenient conditions for me as a woman,» the surgeon stated in her complaint.

Representatives of the SKRV conducted an investigation, reviewed the schedules of doctors, compared their competence and experience, checked meeting protocols and other internal legislative acts, and identified a violation. It turned out that the female surgeon was discriminated against based on her gender.

«Despite the efforts of the institute’s management, the plaintiff was not provided with the same opportunities to coordinate working hours as her male colleague could. It is likely that her ability to improve her qualifications was limited, which could negatively affect the surgeon’s competence,» said Renata Vanagelene, a lawyer with the service.

During the investigation, it was also found that the administration of the National Cancer Institute had repeatedly called on the head of the department to change the surgeon’s work schedule, who filed the complaint, but he ignored these calls or implemented them only partially. The head of the department was given a disciplinary warning for this.

Vanagelene reminded that according to the law on equal opportunities for men and women and the rules of the employer, it is mandatory to provide equal conditions and opportunities for professional development to all employees, regardless of their gender, race, age, sexual orientation, and other characteristics.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях