Предложение по школам национальных меньшинств: половина всех учебных предметов на литовском языке

Representatives of municipalities presented these proposals during a meeting held last week, said Ramunas Skaudzius, Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Sports, according to Elta.

«In preschool education, the process in Lithuanian language should last not 8 hours, but 20 hours. There was also a proposal for not only social subjects, but also 50% of all subjects to be taught in Lithuanian. This includes the Lithuanian language, geography, history, and civics. And schools themselves will choose subjects at their own discretion,» Skaudzius commented on the proposals made during the meeting, as reported by Elta.

«Other municipalities suggested including not only formal, but also non-formal education in this percentage, while others argued that it would be more challenging,» the Deputy Minister explained about the discussions that took place.

However, when it comes to greater autonomy for self-governments in this matter, Skaudzius believes that in such cases, a minimum threshold for the number of hours of Lithuanian language teaching per week should be established. According to him, municipalities will have the right to set the number of Lithuanian language lessons above the minimum.

«It is necessary to establish a clear minimum threshold for teaching in Lithuanian language, and this would be mandatory for all municipalities and all schools of national minorities. And the municipality itself, if it saw opportunities, willingness, and resources to do it at a faster pace and scale, would be able to do so,» said Skaudzius.

According to the Deputy Minister, in some schools, certain social subjects are already taught in Lithuanian language.

Skaudzius stated that the ministry plans to continue discussions, during which they intend to meet with interested members of the Seimas, the Commission of National Minorities, and representatives of parents.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях