После солнечного воскресенья – перемена погоды

Today is expected to be dry. There will be a light variable wind. The highest temperature will range from 1 degree below zero in the northeast regions to 4, and in some places 5-6 degrees of warmth in the southwest region.

On Monday night, clouds will become denser again, especially in the western part of the country. However, they will not bring rain yet. A southeast wind will prevail, strengthening to a moderate level. Where there is more moisture on the surfaces, icing is possible. The air temperature will drop to 1-6 degrees below zero.

On Monday afternoon, the cyclone will come closer, and we will find ourselves in its eastern part. In many places in the west of the country, the sky will be covered with clouds, while in the east, the clouds will be less frequent, and the sun will still be visible in some places. By the evening, precipitation, mainly wet snow, will occur in most parts of the country. The southeast wind will strengthen. The highest temperature will range between 0 and 5 degrees of warmth.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях