Почти треть опрошенных утверждает, что дела в Литве улучшаются

Over the past month (compared to the December 2023 survey), the percentage of residents who believe that things are improving in Lithuania has increased by 3 percentage points, and compared to the survey from a year ago (January 2023), the number of those who claim that the situation in Lithuania is improving has increased by 10 percentage points.

Residents of large cities and those with right-wing political views are the most positive in their assessment of the situation, while the unemployed and residents of Russian nationality are the most negative.

Youth under 30 years old (46% indicated improvement), residents of large cities (33%), and respondents with higher education (47%) are more likely to mention that the situation in Lithuania is actually improving.

Families with the highest monthly incomes (over 1800 euros), managers, students (51%), and residents with right-wing political views (50%) also have a more positive view of the situation in the country.

Residents over 50 years old (76% believe that things are getting worse), residents of rural areas (74%), and the unemployed and housewives (74%) are more likely than others to point out that things are deteriorating in the country.

Pensioners (74%), residents of Polish (86%) and Russian (94%) nationalities, and respondents with left-wing political views (78%) are also skeptical of the situation in the country.

From January 19 to 29 of this year, the Lithuanian-British market research and public opinion company Baltijos tyrimai, commissioned by the ELTA news agency, conducted a representative survey of Lithuanian residents.

During the research, a total of 1,021 adults (18 years and older) were interviewed, and the survey was conducted in 109 sampling points.

The composition of respondents corresponds to the composition of the adult population of Lithuania in terms of gender, age, nationality, and settlement type. The opinions of the respondents reflect the opinions of Lithuanian residents aged 18 and older. The margin of error for the research results is up to 3.1%.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях