Переход отремонтировали, но лифт не работает

Although the elevator is new, it has a sign indicating that it temporarily does not go up.

As explained by the municipality representative for media relations, Gabriele Grubinskas, the elevator is not out of order, but rather for a different reason.

«The new elevator in the underground passage on Constitution Avenue is not yet operational, as inspection and registration procedures for the elevator are still ongoing,» said G. Grubinskas.

However, this elevator is not the only one that is not working. From time to time, residents file complaints with the municipality about the operation of elevators in underground pedestrian crossings. The most common reason for the complaints is that the elevator is not working. Perhaps the most well-known and popular elevators are located on Karoliniškės and Saltoniškių streets. The first one has already been repaired, but the second one will have to wait for its lucky hour.

«The elevator in the underground passage on Saltoniškių Street is broken. The elevator maintenance company is waiting for the necessary parts and plans to carry out repairs in the near future,» noted the municipality representative.

By the way, in the restored and recently opened pedestrian passage on Constitution Avenue, not only is the elevator not working, but there is also no access to the White Bridge yet.

Most likely, access will be opened when the Artery business center opens.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях