Опрос: более половины жителей Литвы не поддерживают новый налог на оборону

Approximately 40% of residents say they approve the new defense tax. About 16% would approve if only businesses paid this defense tax, and only 4% of respondents are inclined to support a defense tax if it were paid only by individuals (all residents of the country), according to the lrt.lt portal.

It is stated that 6% of respondents did not have an opinion on this issue. Non-Lithuanian nationality residents were also more likely than others to have no opinion on this issue.

The idea of a defense tax is favorably assessed by executives — 33%, young people — 28%, specialists and civil servants — 24%, public sector workers — 24%, as well as residents with right-wing political views — about 30%.

It is indicated that a defense tax, if paid by both residents and businesses, is more often supported by young people under 30 — 24%, residents of large cities — 16%, as well as respondents with higher education — 33% and the highest monthly family income (over 1800 euros) — 28%.

It is noted that the new defense tax starting in 2025 is less likely to be approved by individuals over 30 years old living in rural areas or small towns, respondents with incomplete secondary education and average (1001-1800 euros) monthly family income, as well as workers and farmers, residents with left-wing political views — more than 62% of them do not support the tax proposal

It is stated that the market research and public opinion company Baltijos tyrimai, on behalf of LRT, conducted a representative survey of residents of Lithuania from January 19th to 29th, 2024. During the study, 1,021 people (aged 18 and older) were surveyed.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях